Free Chinese Language Software
(provided with Windows XP)

Windows XP comes with Chinese language software for free. There is nothing extra to buy. All you need to do is install the software. For instructions, click Help and in the Help Topic field, enter Asian Language. For detailed instructions, see Professor Robert Y. Eng's Installing East Asian Language Support Under Windows XP.

Once installed, you can read and write Chinese in Microsoft applications such as Outlook and Microsoft Word. To type Chinese, select CH in the language bar, then start typing pinyin. The software determines the meaning from context. For example, type:


Microsoft Pinyin recognizes this as "wo shi zhong guo ren" (I am a Chinese person) and types the characters in Chinese (我是中國人). For more instructions, see Professor Robert Y. Eng's Writing Chinese Under Windows 2000 Professional/XP.

For users who are familiar with Zhuyin (bo fo mo fo) but not Pinyin, see the Zhuyin to Pinyin Conversion Table.

One note about Microsoft Pinyin that is not included in the documentation: To type the character nu with an umlaut (nü 女,the character for "female" or "woman"), type "nv" instead of "nu".

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