; ------------ Stop & Restart OBS input streams ------------- Gosub, RestartInputs ; ------------------------------------------------------------ #Persistent ; Runs forever. To stop it, right-click "H" icon ; in system tray and choose Exit ; Set time interval between input restarts SetTimer, RestartInputs, 900000 ; 900000 msec = 15 minutes ; 1200000 msec = 20 minutes ; 1800000 msec = 30 minutes Return ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- RestartInputs: SoundBeep 650, 400 ; warning beeps that restart is about to happen SoundBeep 750, 500 Sleep 4000 ; 4 seconds delay -- pause your mouse usage CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; Use screen (not window) coordinates Click, 1600 50 ; Click OBS window at upper-right of screen: ; 1600 pixels from left side of screen ; 50 pixels down from top of screen ; (coordinates for OBS window location) Sleep 1000 ; Brief wait before stopping first input stream ; Beforehand, configure keystrokes in OBS: ; Settings > Hotkeys > subwindow name > Stop > keystroke ; Settings > Hotkeys > subwindow name > Restart > keystroke Send, ^+{F4} ; Control-Shift-F4 key, stop input stream Sleep 2000 ; Delay 2 seconds Send, ^+{F5} ; Control-Shift-F5 key, restart input stream Sleep 5000 ; Pause to wait for first subwindow to reappear Send, ^+{F6} ; repeat for second OBS subwindow input stream Sleep 2000 ; (can delete these 3 lines if you have only Send, ^+{F7} ; one input stream, no harm in leaving them in) Return ; End of RestartInputs subroutine