The first sheets in the stack are in the worst shape.
Boy Scout camp with Jim Elliot, Jim Duff, and Tom Burnop.
Buried Treasure
My friend Richard Dingman and I dug up a buried treasure
at our elementary school sometime around March 1970. The treasure is
our original Victor Revenge Society manifesto.
Back in eighth grade, I had a grudge
against my cousin Victor, who was living
with my family, so I started a hate club against him. (I started getting along
with him fine by the end of high school.) I drafted a constitution, patterned after the
Declaration of Independence, complaining all about Victor instead
instead of King George, and got all my friends to sign it.
Well wouldn't you know it, a friend of Victor's got a hold of this
document, and gave it to Victor, who gave it to my parents. My parents
gave it back to me, along with a few stern words about showing respect
and kindness for others. I think they expected me to
feel sorry and throw it away.
I didn't feel sorry, but not wanting to get in trouble again, and not
wanting to destroy my document, I
buried it at school.
In 1970, Richard and I exhumed the document for this photo, then reburied it.
It's probably still there today.
This is Shelly Patterson and Vicki Freeman at some kind of
school-related off-campus event, June 1970.