Files to Your Web Space (FTP)
FileZilla, a
Free and Easy-to-Use FTP Tool
You should create, edit,
and test your web page files on your local computer. When you're ready
to publish your web pages,
you'll need to copy the files from your local computer to your web space using the File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), a standard method of moving files over a computer
is a free, easy-to-use FTP tool that you can download and run on your
PC or Mac computer. To download the tool, go to the FileZilla Project page. Find
your computer platform (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X) and click the
download link.
After the download is finished, open the downloaded file and follow the
instructions to install the program.
The FileZilla Window
After installation, start the FileZilla program. You should see a
window similar to this:
The left half of the window has a directory browser and a list of files
contained in a folder in your local computer. The right side has the
same thing for a remote computer. Before you can transfer files to your
web space, you need to make a connection to your web space directory.
After you make a connection, you can simply "drag and drop" the files
you want to copy from your local computer on the left side to your web
space on the right side.
How to Connect to Your Web Space
To make a connection to your web space, you need to fill in the boxes
labeled Host, Username, and Password. This information is
available in the new-account email sent to you by your web hosting
company. Look for the "FTP Account Information" or similarly named
section of the email.
If AwardSpace is
your host and you have a free account, the host name is something like
If you have your own registered domain name, then the host name is
simply your domain name, such as
Other web hosts often use
as the host name. If you're not sure of the host name, log into your
hosting account and find what you need in the FTP manager information
After you fill in the boxes labeled Host,
Username, and Password, click the Quickconnect button. Then check the
message box to see if the connection is successful.
After you have connected successfully, you can save your connection
information so that it's faster and easier to connect next time; choose
File > Copy Current Connection to Site Manager. In the Site Manager
dialog box, enter a name for your connection, then click OK. The next
time you want to connect, choose File > Site Manager, select your
connection name, and click the Connect button to connect.
If you don't take action for a period of time, the host automatically
disconnects from you. If that happens, reconnect when you're ready to
take the next action.
How to Transfer Files
After you have connected successfully, your local computer folders and
files are displayed on the left, and your web space directories and
files are displayed on the right. Use the directory tree and/or file
browser on the left side to find the folder on your local computer
containing the files you want to copy. Do the same thing on the right
side to find the web space folder where you want the files to reside.
Select the file on left side,
drag and drop it on the right side
To copy one or more files or folders from your local computer to your
web space, select them on the left side and drag them to the right
side. Check the message area for successful completion.
You can save the current folder selections so that you can copy files
more quickly next time; choose Bookmarks > Add Bookmark. The next
time you start up FileZilla, you can use Bookmarks > Bookmark-Name
to go directly to the
same local and remote folders.
FileZilla help is available by choosing Help > Getting Help or by
going to directly to the FileZilla Wiki
Documentation website, which includes a
FileZilla Client Tutorial.