South High School, Torrance Photos -- October 1970 to June 1971

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Where's Waldo? Black-and-white Waldo

You won't find Waldo in any of these photos, but you might find one or more instances of the following persons, not necessarily as the main subject of the photo.

Marjorie Allen, Kurt Ankerburg, Laura Bagdasar, Mike Bailey, Roy Ball, Tom Booker, Dana Burks, Larry Butler, Peter Campbell, Dana Christiansen, Carol Coy, Nancy Crawford, Danine Cummings, Denise Deppe, Bob Diaz, Carol Dingman, Richard Dingman, Mike Deutch, Dwight Dunaway, Mr. Flash, Karen Fritzen, Gayle Gastelum, Paul Goodson, Rick Greenburg, Mike Gros, Steve Halpern, Patti Henges, Mr. Von Hershey, Mr. Ernest Hondrick, Eileen Ishihara, Ray Jensen, Robbie Johnson, Michelle Knowlden, Shirley Kotsonis, Roger Marumoto, Linda McKee, Laurie Medill, Richard Newkirk, Kenton Parker, Karen Peterson, Richard Peterson, Mr. Richard Peterson, Craig Pridmore, Kenny Rector, Mr. R. Thomas Rische, Ms. Kathy Simons, David Spies, Eve/Ann Stabolepszy, Mr. Norbert Sweet, Paula Tai, Mike Valentino, Alice Walpole, Brad Wutherich, Linda Zeilberger

Bonus Photos: Hamlet, a 1971 Slide-Show Presentation of the Shakespeare Tragedy >   Hamlet 1971 slide presentation

3,000-image archive of South High School contact prints (tiny proofs), 1970-1972:   Sequence Start   Overview page

Time Machine 1970s  ©2014 Gray Chang, all right reserved
See classmates as the South High Alumni website, class of  1971  1972  1973  1974  Faculty

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