South High School, Torrance Photos -- September 1971 to June 1972

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Photos from Previous Year 70-71   < Back to 1970-1971 Photos

Where's Waldo? Black-and-white Waldo

Waldo's not in these photos, but you can look for the following persons.

Jon Amate, Laura Bagdasar, Mike Bailey, Jayne Becker, Ms. Veronica Bistrovic, Steve Black, Mallie Brewer, Susan Broom, Dana Burks, Gray Chang, Peter Cohen, John Conroy, Mr. John Conway, Mr. Warren Cross, Rebecca Davies, Carol Dingman, Richard Dingman, Paul Goodson, Rick Greenburg, Mike Gros, Chuck Harris, Ms. Barbara Hawkins, John Heim, Patti Henges, Jim Hoste, Mr. Michael Kellogg, Jenny Landers, Alan Lane, Joe Martinez, Linda McKee, Don Meade, Tom Mills, Danny Mull, Kenton Parker, Shelly Patterson, Randy Payne, Karen Peterson, Harold Plon, Richard Plon, Craig Pridmore, Steve Reinhardt, Fran Rizzardi, Sue Schechter, Ms. Kathy Simons, Jeff Smith, David Spies, Paula Tai, Steve Usdansky, John Wilner, Earl Young, John Young

3,000-image archive of South High School contact prints (tiny proofs), 1970-1972:   Sequence Start   Overview page

Time Machine 1970s  ©2014 Gray Chang, all right reserved
See classmates as the South High Alumni website, class of  1971  1972  1973  1974  Faculty

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